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Press Room

We offer a fully digital prepress department with Delano soft proofing/web approval available, Sublima's advanced screening technology, AGFA Apogee Prepress Workflow and computer-to-plate technology.

Press Room
Web Presses

Hantscho Mark VI 23-9/16" x 38" Heatset Web Offset with MicroColor Digital Ink and Registration Control System


6 Perfecting Printing Units and folding delivery and sheeter delivery


Sheetfed Press

6-Color Roland 634

(28" X 40")






Perfect Binding

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of the Prepress Department?

Prepress is open from 7:00 AM EST to 11:00 PM EST. 
TOLL FREE: 888-276-1307, Extension 110


What kind of Magazine workflow does Watkins’ use?

The Company uses AGFA APOGEE PREPRESS PDF based workflow. If you are using Adobe InDesign please contact our Prepress Department and we will supply you with The Watkins Printing Job Options file. This file can be imported into InDesign and will make all the PDF export settings for you!


What criteria should high resolution PDFs meet for the Watkins workflow?

All images and artwork should be CMYK unless you are printing with a spot color ink in which that artwork should be made up in the necessary Pantone color. If you have supplied artwork or PDFs that are RGB please notify us and we can convert those without resorting to rasterization.


Any other important Prepress information?

• Raster images should be at least 300 dpi.


• If you have a font that will not embed in the PDF then the type using that font should be converted to paths to prevent any unwanted font substitutions. If that is not possible then the font should be sent along with the PDF.


• All Text pages should have at least 1/8 inch bleed.


• Cover pages should have 1/4 inch face bleed if at all possible.


• Any trim or printer marks on the pages should be offset at least 1/8 inch so as not to encroach on bleed areas.


How should I upload my magazine via the Internet?

By clicking on the Upload Your Files section on our website. The transfer service is called WeTransfer and we prefer that you use this method when sending us your files. WeTransfer :(


Note: Files should not be sent via email unless there is no other option. If files must be sent by email, all files should be sent directly to the Prepress Department at: Please do not send through our sales staff or third parties. This helps to avoid any confusion or receipt of multiple copies of the same file. We can of course still receive files by Disc and USB drive.


What Web Approval System do you use?

The Watkins Printing uses the AGFA Delano Web Approval System. Our web based access lets you take control of your job and upload PDF files directly into our workflow. Once uploaded you can place, review, make comments, reject and replace, or approve pages of your job. All of this can be done 24/7 with no additional alteration costs to you. Once you have made all changes and approved all pages your job is ready for plating.


Note: The Web Approval system is for content proofing only. Color rendering cannot be proofed using the Web Approval system. Epson press-matched proofs would be required for color critical proofing.


What about Hard Copy Proofs?

We can supply Hard Copy Proofs in several formats; laser printed proofs, low resolution imposed proofs and Epson high resolution color match proofs. Any of these can also be combined with the Web Approval System to meet your proofing requirements.


General FAQ


What is the average turnaround time for a magazine?

From the clients proof sign off via the online web approval, it usually takes 7-10 business days from the sign off of hard proofs or web approval.


What quantities can Watkins' presses accommodate?

Again, it depends on the circulation and page count of your project. Common magazines have a circulation from 2,000 - 400,000.


In what form do you accept mailing distribution files/lists?

A simple Microsoft excel file is sufficient and an assortment of database programs are acceptable as well. E-mail mail files directly to Mailing Requirements, Mailing, LJ Menduni at: Or you can also Upload those mail files via the We Transfer link HERE.

Is there a difference in quality between your web offset and sheetfed presses?

No. Due to our automated color and registration controls, there is no difference in quality. However, printing on a heatset web press offers significant economic advantages when working with larger quantities and multiple page counts.

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