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  • Stitching

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  • Mailing

  • Polybagging

  • Perfect Binding


We offer a fully digital prepress department with Delano soft proofing/web approval available, Sublima's advanced screening technology, Apogee X Workflow and computer-to-plate technology.


We offer a fully digital prepress department with Delano soft proofing/web approval available, Sublima's advanced screening technology, AGFA Apogee Prepress Workflow and computer-to-plate technology.

Press Room
Web Presses

Hantscho Mark VI 23-9/16" x 38" Heatset Web Offset with MicroColor Digital Ink and Registration Control System


6 Perfecting Printing Units and folding delivery and sheeter delivery


Sheetfed Press

6-Color Roland 634

(28" X 40")






Perfect Binding


Watkins Full Mailing Capabilities


All mail lists sent to The Watkins Printing Company start the same way, with a sort. Please note The Watkins Printing Company is happy to do a mail list examination and quotation to find the best possible postage rates for our clients and their unique mailing needs.



The process of co-mailing (presorting multiple mail lists together to attain greater presort density) has been around for 30 years. For many publications, it could be the best option. The Watkins Printing Company Co-Mail capabilities offer the industry’s most efficient, cost-effective pooled mailing service.


20% Increase in Carrier Route Lift

The unique presort optimization is the difference. It uses “adding names” as well as pocket and machine optimization – and with multiple pockets, we can run smaller, more agile pools without losing the carrier route lift of the larger “super pools.” Customers often see a 20% increase in carrier route lift after the optimization process. Place your mail in the pool and have 97% in home within 10 days, at 20% less cost than drop-ship. Choose from multiple pools each week.


Save on Postage

Save on postage, even with smaller mailings. Hit your delivery date target with industry-leading accuracy. That’s the possibility of Co-MAIL. 


Meet Full Service IMb Requirements

Not only do you save money in postage, we can help you meet Full Service IMb requirements for additional savings and prepare for future USPS incentives and promotions.

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